Hoover Truck and Bus Centers
Quality trucks, quality buses, quality care
Flanders, NJ
Toms River, NJ
What we offer
Freightliner Trucks
New trucks that are built with efficiency, durability, and longevity in mind. Reliability combined with the latest fuel economy technology allows our trucks to revolutionize the way you do business. If you are searching for new trucks for your business, turn to Freightliner. Visit Hoover Truck Centers today to discover why customers build businesses with our trucks.


Western Star Trucks
Western Star delivers the industry’s toughest, most desirable truck. Trucks that are known for their ongoing history of value, dependability, safety, uptime and style. Hand-built in North America with a dedication to quality and customization, and backed by an extensive parts and service network, a comprehensive warranty, the global engineering power and technology of Daimler and the entire DTNA family.
Blue Bird Bus
Blue Bird is singularly focused on building and selling school buses that customers want and value. The safety of schoolchildren is at the center of all that they do and they strive every day, just as they have since their beginning in 1927, to provide an unparalleled and affordable product in terms of safety, quality, durability, and serviceability.